Shahab Golshan earned a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from University of Tehran in 2018. The title of his Ph.D. thesis was: ” A hybrid deterministic-stochastic modeling of spouted beds”. He worked for one year at the process design and simulation center as a postdoctoral researcher before moving to Canada. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Polytechnique Montreal, working on two projects under the supervision of Professors Jamal Chaouki and Bruno Blais. His research titl...
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Roshanak Rabiee graduated with Ph.D. from the Chemical Engineering Department of Université de Sherbrooke and joined Prof. Chaouki’s research group as a Postdoc researcher in October 2019. She is working on different projects related to CFD modeling, two-phase flow modeling, porous media, and heat and mass transfer analysis in a process involving the energy and chemical sectors. In all years of her career, she is always eager to learn more and more, even in the fields that she has not had ...
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Dr. Ahmad Reza Amini has been working on an industrial project related to minerals processing as a postdoctoral fellow in prof. Chaouki’s group at Polytechnique Montreal since August 2019. He is the leader of a high temperature project related to minerals processing, in addition to being involved in writing book chapters, and taking responsibility of characterization in prof. Chaouki’s group.
He received his Ph.D. in Materials Process Engineering from Kyushu University (Japan) i...

Zhaohui Chen has been working in the Department of Chemical Engineering, at Polytechnique Montreal since 2018. He developed a microwave-heating structure catalyst and reactor for chemical recycling of plastic wastes and the novel microwave-driven chemical looping ammonia production technology in Prof. Chaouki’s group. He received his Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from the Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His professional experience includes two years...
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Chenguang Zhang was born in Henan, China. He is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Chemical Engineeriang, at Polytechnique Montreal, supervised by Professor Jamal Chaouki. He received his Ph.D. in Engineering Science from Louisiana State University, advised by Prof. Nandakumar. Along with this are two Master’s degrees from the same university (computer science and oceanography, respectively). His interest lives at the intersection of math, mechanics, and programming, as e...
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Brajesh K. Singh received his Ph.D. in 2019 from chemical engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi). During his Ph.D., he worked on dynamic flow characteristics in multiphase flow systems such as bubble columns, packed beds, and fluidized bed reactors. After his Ph.D., Dr. Singh was hired as a postdoctoral in the computer science department, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg Germany, and worked on lattice Boltzmann simulations of multiphase flow systems. Dr. Singh joined our group in...
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Dr. Raja Muhammad Afzal is working as Postdoc fellow in PERAL group. He is involved in several industrial projects for the assessment of commercialization potential of the novel technologies. He has 7 years of research experience and 6 years of industrial experience (oil and gas midstream and EPCC projects management company). He had received his PhD Degree in Chemical Engineering from Institute of Process Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China in 2017. Later, ...
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Dr. Eltefat Ahmadi holds academic training and work experience in Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering. He has developed innovative smelting and extraction methods for producing extra-pure metal powders via chlorination and molten salt technologies. Dr. Ahmadi has been awarded the Mitacs Elevate Postdoctoral Fellowship and joined the Process Engineering Advanced Research Lab (PEARL) in May 2021. He works in the field of process metallurgy and recycling of rare earth elements (REEs)...
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Alireza Shams is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Process Engineering Advanced Research Lab (PEARL) at Polytechnique Montreal, working under the supervision of Prof. Jamal Chaouki. He received his B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (2004) and M.Sc. in Transport Phenomena & Separation Processes (2007) from the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. Then he became a researcher in the Zeolite Research Group at the Science and T...
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Shuli Shu was born in Hubei, China in 1989. He is now a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Chemical Engineering, at Polytechnique Montreal, under the direction of Professor Jamal Chaouki and Professor Francois Bertrand. His current researches focus on numerical modelling and experiments of hydrodynamics of bubble column reactor at high pressure and high temperature for TOTAL and DEM simulation of granular flow in pharmaceutical processes.
He received his Ph.D. degree from the Inst...

Yefeng ZHOU was born in Hunan, China in 1987. He was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, under the direction of Professor Jamal Chaouki. His researches mainly focused on experimental measurements, characterization and process intensification of bubble column photobioreactors involving CO<sub>2</sub> capture and biomass conversion. Moreover, the multi-scale experimental and simulation works on liquid-containing fluidi...
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Dr. Mohammad Reza Gholipour received his Ph.D. in chemical engineering from Laval University in 2018. During his Ph.D., he was working on synthesizing different nanocomposite materials (organic and inorganic) as photocatalysts for hydrogen production from water via solar energy. Moreover, he obtained invaluable skills in material science and nanotechnology as well as their characterization techniques including XRD, XPS, FTIR, TEM, SEM, TGA, UV-Visible, AFM and BET. Just after his graduation, ...
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Ali Khazraei holds PhD in Environmental Engineering and Master of Business Administration (MBA), both from Concordia University (Montreal, Canada), Master and Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, both from Sharif University of Technology (Tehran, Iran). Ali has extensive research and engineering experience in the field of process engineering with an in-depth understanding of heat and mass transfer in the built environment, HVAC, bioremediation, water-wastewater treatment, mineral extr...
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Dr. Cui is currently a principal engineer at Covanta, USA. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering from Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Master degree in thermal energy engineering from Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China, and B.Eng. degree in energy engineering from Central South University, China. He previously worked as a senior staff engineer at Honeywell, a research associate at University of British Columbia, and a postdoct...
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Joan Dupuy gained her B.Sc. degrees in Biology from Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France (2009). Strongly interessed by the environmental impacts of human activities, she had the opportunity to study Ecotoxicology at University College Cork in Ireland. She pursued her education towards M.Sc. (2011) in Plant Biology and Biotechnology, from Université de Bordeaux, France in order to learn more knowledge. She started her Ph.D. program at Laboratoire Sols et Environnement of U...
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Dr. Mohammad Latifi has been working as a postdoc and then a research associate and project manager at professor Jamal Chaouki’s group. In addition to the research, he has been teaching the graduate course of “design of gas-solid reactors/fluidized bed reactors”, and he has been advising graduate students.
His primary research interests lay in process engineering, particularly, in reaction engineering, powders technology and material engineering. He has been the lead researcher i...
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Dr. Sajjad Habibzadeh received his PhD degree from the Department of Chemical Engineering, McGill University in 2013. In the same year, he started his post-doctoral fellowship under NSERC/TOTAL industrial chair in hydrodynamic modelling of multiphase processes at extreme conditions and NSERC multisectorial industrial chair in coating and surface engineering (CSE). Over several years working in different research and development institutes, Dr. Habibzadeh has built a decent deal of knowledge a...
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Professor at UBC
Fluidization, Reactor Design, Electrostatics, PEM Fuel Cells, Pollution Control, Biomass Processing, Green Engineering
University of British Columbia, 1994, Ph.D.
Tsinghua University, China, 1988, M.A.Sc.
Tsinghua University, China, 1985, B.A.Sc.
Here is XIAOTAO BI Profile http://www.chbe.ubc.ca/profile/xiaotao-bi/
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Navid Mostoufi is currently a Full Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Tehran (P. O. Box 11155–4563, Iran; Fax: +98-21-6646-1024; email: mostoufi@ut.ac.ir). He has taught advanced mathematics and fluid mechanics courses for over 16 years. His research interests include process modeling, simulation and optimization, and fluidization. He holds a B.Eng. and M.Sc. degree in chemical engineering from Iran’s University of Tehran, plus a Ph.D. in Flu...
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Esma Ines ACHOURI est chercheure postdoctorale à l’école Polytechnique de Montréal en collaboration avec l’université de Sherbrooke, sous la direction des professeurs Jamal Chaouki et Nicolas Abatzoglou. Après avoir obtenu son baccalauréat en génie des procédés pharmaceutiques en Algérie, Ines s’est dirigée vers la France pour effectuer un master recherche en Ingénierie biomédicale et pharmaceutique à l’université Claude Bernard Lyon 1. Par la suite, elle a poursuivi de...
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Amin Esmaeili received both his B.Sc. (2007) and M.Sc. (2009) degrees in Chemical Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran. During his M.Sc. program, he focused on his area of interest that includes multiphase systems, fluidized beds, catalytic reactors and liquid-liquid extraction columns. Regarding his strong desire to learn more knowledge, he decided to pursue his education towards Ph.D.
Therefore, he started his Ph.D. program at the Chemical Engineering Department of Ecole Polytechn...
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Jaber Shabanian was born in Babol (Iran) 1984. He gained his B.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering, Petrochemical Engineering, from Isfahan University of Technology in 2006. He then received his M.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering, Process Modeling, Simulation and Control, in Sharif University of Technology in 2009. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from Polytechnique Montreal in Chemical Engineering, Fluidization Engineering in 2015. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow in Chemical Engineering D...
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Majid Rasouli is a postdoctoral fellow and currently works in a prestigious joint project that involves with industrial (Johnson Matthey and CanmetMATERIALS) and academic (Polytechnique Montreal, Universite de Montreal and Western University) partners. This project is funded by Automotive Partnership Canada and aims at mass production of economic-high quality lithium ion batteries for automotive applications. Majid is supervising several PhD students. He is also responsible of a hydrodynamic ...
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Omid Ebrahimpour was born in Masjed-Soleiman (Iran), where oil explored in the Middle East for first time. Omid obtained his bachelor and master in chemical engineering from Sharif University (Tehran, Iran), in 2004 and 2007, respectively. He graduated as doctorate in chemical engineering from Polytechnique Montreal in 2013 under supervisory of Prof. Chaouki and Prof. Dubois. In his PhD project, he innovated a new process to fabricate porous SiC ceramics at low sintering temperature with impr...
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Dr. Rachid Mabrouk holds Master in engineering science from Mohammadia Engineering School, Rabat in Morocco, and Ph.D. degree from Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada. His Ph.D. research thesis was about gas-solid hydrodynamic of internal circulating fluidized bed reactor. For his research project, he used the non-intrusive technique, a tool developed and built in the research lab. Along his career, he accumulated several years of international experience, in both chemical and gas industr...
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I’ve been introduced to fluidization research as an undergrad research assistant since 1995. Under the wing of Rahmat Sotudeh, then PhD student in Prof Chaouki’s group, I learned and worked on many aspects of high temperature fluidized bed: hydrodynamics, simple modeling and experimental methods. This led to a year-long internship in Dupont Experimental Station as part of the team that supported a maleic anhydride production CFB reactor, where I was introduced to many aspects of industria...
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Rouzbeh is a dedicated and visionary professional, with expertise in developing and deployment of new technologies, concepts, and processes within the chemical and energy sector. Rouzbeh is recognized as a leader in identifying opportunities for efficiency, improvement, and driving development with cutting-edge technologies to achieve solutions. Rouzbeh is a skilled communicator known as being innovative, a strategic thinker, resourceful leader and team member who works with integrity and...
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Syed Salman Bukhari is US and Canadian certified EIT with research experience in scaling up heterogenous reaction process and crystal synthesis. He has managed procurement and commissioning process of novel pilot scale reactor system. He has expertise in technical communication and is an author of a book chapter and several scientific papers.
Salman starting his academic training at The University of Florida. He was able to secure Florida’s Bright Future Scholarship and graduated cum...
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Ahmed Chehbouni acquired his master degree in Chemical Engineering from Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Génie Chimique (Toulouse, France) in 1985 and his Ph. D. degree in Chemical Engineering from Polytechnique Montreal in 1994. He earned a certificate in the International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) from the Carleton University (Ottawa, CANADA) in 2014. He has been a Professor in Chemical Engineering at the Cadi Ayyad University since 1985. He has taught chemical ...
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