GC-FID (Perkin Elmer)
This GC-FID is equipped with a GC-Clarus-500. The GC-FID is mainly use for quantification of samples.
Main specifications
Temperature range: | Column specific |
Pressure range: | Column specific |
Carrier gas: | Pure Helium |
FID gases: | Pure air and H2 |
Location: | A-676 |

GC-MS with Autosampler (Perkin Elmer)
This GC-MS is equipped with a GC-Clarus-580 and MS-Clarus-SQ8S. An autosampler (108 vials) is installed. Columns with diameter 0.25mm are recommended. Mainly use for qualification of samples, but can also be use for quantification.
Main specifications
Temperature range: | Column specific |
Pressure range: | Column specific |
Electron Ionisation | |
Mass range: | 1-1200 u |
Carrier gas: | Pure Helium |
Location: | A-676 |

GC-TOGA with Headspace (Perkin Elmer)
This GC-TOGA is equipped with a GC-Clarus-480, two detectors (TCD and FID) and a headspace-Turbomatrix-40. It is used to analyze trace levels of H2, CO, CO2, ethylene, ethane, acetylene, methane, and air components.
Main specifications
Temperature range: | Column specific |
Pressure range: | Column specific |
Carrier gas: | Pure Helium |
FID gases: | Pure air and H2 |
Location: | A-676 |

8890 Gas Chromatograph (GC) System (Agilent)
This GC System is equipped with three channels (FID1, FID2 and TCD), which can analyze the aromatics (Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene, Isopropylbenzen, Styrene, naphthalene, et al.), C1-C6 light hydrocarbons gas, permanent gas (H2, CH4, N2, O2, CO CO2).
Main specifications
Temperature range: | Column specific |
Pressure range: | Column specific |
Carrier gas: | Pure Argon |
FID gases: | Pure air and H2 |
Location: | A-676 |

Varian CP-4900 Micro Gas Chromatograph (Agilent Technologies)
Fast, reliable Answers, precise, cost efficient gas chromatography analysis in seconds.
There are two similar GCs at PEARL.
GCs are equipped with molecular sieve (for detecting H2, O2, N2, CO, CO2 and CH4) and PPQ (for detecting CO2 and C2 – C4 hydrocarbons) channels.
Online and offline gas analysis is possible.
Main specifications
Injector: | Micro-machined injector with no moving parts |
Injection volume: | 1 µL to 10 µL, software selectable |
Optional heated injector: | 30 °C to 110 °C, including heated transfer line |
Temperature range: | 30 °C to 180 °C, isothermal |
Column Oven: | Optional backflush capability |
Detector: | TCD |
Concentration: | 1 ppm to 100% level |
Linear dynamic range: | 106 |
Carrier gas: | He, H2, N2 or Ar: 550 ± 10 kPa (80 ± 1.5 psig) input |
Location: | A-660.2.1 |