Scale-Up Processes, Iterative Methods for the Chemical, Mineral and Biological Industries
November 5, 2021

Prof. Chaouki and Prof. Sotudeh-Gharebagh gathered all the essential and critical information about scale-up processes in this book.
Common scale-up methods are conventional where the blind piloting is essential. This imposes huge investment and leads to failures mostly in solid processing. However, the limitations of resources, current shortcomings, short time-to-market demand are forced companies to minimize piloting. With these situations in mind, current digitalization outlook and computational facilities, we proposed and developed a novel iterative scale-up method with case studies which highly expedites the process innovation through the following key sequences:
- To move from literature and laboratory studies to commercial design.
- To reduce risks by reevaluating literature, lab studies, e-pilot or adequate pilots if needed.
- To iterate between commercial to lab, e-pilot and pilot with CAPEX, OPEX and LCA.
Electrification of materials processing via microwave irradiation: A review of mechanism and applications
April 19, 2021

Prof. chaouki and his group are working on microwave irradiation for more than 10 years. in this regard, they published more than 30 papers during these years. Recently, they published a review article on the title of " Electrification of materials processing via microwave irradiation: A review of mechanism and applications".
Electricity is a renewable and clean source of energy. Electrification of the industrial processes provides benefits in terms of environmental protection, enhanced productivity, and business growth. Such an approach prompted researchers to apply microwaves to develop more sustainable processes regarding unique characteristics of microwaves such as rapid heating, volumetric heating, and selective heating. However, the interaction between microwaves and materials must be well understood to design a large-scale microwave-assisted process. In the present study, the mechanism of microwave heating in some selected metals, metal oxides, and carbides are reviewed to prepare a comprehensive understanding of the material’s behavior during microwave irradiation. Furthermore, various applications of microwaves (lab scale and industrial scale) are reviewed to discuss the scale-up potentials of the microwave-assisted processes, challenges and future direction.

Scale-Up Processes
April 5, 2021

Chapter 1: Conventional scale-up, challenges and opportunities
Chapter 2: Iterative scale-up, principles and concepts
Chapter 3: Process extrapolation by modelling and simulation
Chapter 4: Compartmental Unit Operation Modelling
Chapter 5: Life Cycle Analysis
Chapter 6: Case study I - VPP catalyst development
Chapter 7: Case study II - n-Butane partial oxidation
Chapter 8: Case study III - Methanol to olefins
Chapter 9: Case study IV - Hydropotash from potassium feldspar
Chapter 10: Case study V - Lactide production process
Chapter 11: Case study VI – Algae technologies
Chapter 12: Concluding Remarks and new case studies