27th International Symposium for Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 27)
The 27th International Symposium for Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 27) will take place in Québec City, Québec in Canada, on June 11-14, 2023. The scientific theme for ISCRE 27 is "Chemical Reaction Engineering for Sustainable Development.” Meeting the world's demands for energy, food, water, and medicine – in a sustainable way while protecting the environment – requires the development of new technologies and advanced materials. The theme of this symposium aims to capture the essential role that chemical reaction engineering plays in addressing these challenges. Chemical Reaction Engineering (CRE) is the discipline that quantifies the interactions of transport phenomena and kinetics in relating reactor performance to operating conditions and feed variables. This quantification requires a thorough understanding of the nanoscale (molecular level of scrutiny), micro- to mesoscale (transport and kinetic events at a particle level), and macroscale (reactor design in the context of process and plant design). CRE develops general principles useful in approaching a variety of systems (chemical, biochemical, biological, materials, environmental, electrochemical, etc.) where the engineering of reactions is needed. Members of the PEARL group will present their recent achievements at the symposium.

ACS Spring 2021
ACS Spring 2021 conference is going to be held virtually this year with theme of “Macromolecular Chemistry: The Second Century”. More than 200 presentation, posters, and several workshops will be presented during conference. In line with the conference theme, the organizers have arranged a series of workshops, and industry tours to raise the awareness of the opportunities available to the chemical engineers of tomorrow.
Members of Pearl, will present their recent achievements at the symposium entitled "Catalytic and Non-catalytic Upgrading of Heavy oils and Vegetable Oils: Hydrodesulfurization, Hydrodenitrogenation, Hydrodeoxygenation, and Oxidative Desulfurization".The American Chemical Society (ACS), incorporated in 1876, is the world’s largest scientific organizations with more than 155,000 members in 150 countries.